Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cheap but Good: Caberfae Peaks

Andrew Terpstra

College students never have enough money to do the boarding or skiing they want to. Especially when the good resorts cost upwards of sixty bucks these days. There are however some resorts that offer cheap college prices and still have a decent mountain. One of these mountains is Caberfae Peaks in Cadillac Michigan.

When you think of great skiing and snowboarding you don’t usually think of Michigan first. But this resort offers some pretty decent terrain for the price college students have to pay. After 12pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, if you bring your college I.D. a lift ticket costs $15 after 12pm, $14 after 1pm, $13 after 2pm and it decreases a dollar after every hour until 6pm. Anything after 6pm costs $9—no joke—no catch.

The mountain has 34 runs and 6 different lifts covering two different peaks. The mountain has a 485-foot vertical, which isn’t much to brag about, but for Michigan it’s one of the better places to get out and have a good time.
The terrain isn’t terribly impressive, as it is primarily only trees and mostly open runs. There are some tree runs that are pretty enjoyable, but the variety in terrain is not immense.
If you are a local and are looking for just another place to get some skiing or boarding in, it is worth the drive. Even driving an hour or two from the Grand Rapids area is well worth the cheap lift ticket prices for college students.

The terrain park is more of a jib park with mostly rails, barrels, and a wall ride. There aren’t any jumps so if you’re looking to do some flying there won’t be much you can do.

Caberfae Peaks is one spot that you college shredders can go and enjoy some snow. Even though it’s Michigan, there is usually pretty good snow. Sometimes there’s a lot of fake stuff but riding is riding—especially for only nine bucks. Its cheap—but good.

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